To determine how interpersonal and communication issues are affecting work performance e.g. goal achievement, our ESC360 degree survey enables you to understand the behavioural dynamics existing within your team/s from the perspective of Emotional and Social Competence, or more generally, Emotional Intelligence, as structured on the model proposed by Daniel Goleman in the 1990’s.  If we have interpersonal difficulties with those around us, it can make achieving team goals very difficult. The ESC 360 degree on-line questionnaire assesses communication and leadership effectiveness; i.e. to what extent teams are working to their potential, specific individual’s leadership capability and “gaps”, integral components to management development programs and cultural change initiatives.

Value of Feedback

It’s beyond dispute that people need to communicate well with those around them.  For decision-makers and individuals themselves, 360 degree feedback regarding how well each team member is regarded by others is valuable; as is feedback regarding interpersonal and communication issues which affect perceptions, dynamics and work performance.  Adapting and modifying behaviours and interactions can make achieving goals more attainable.

Cohort Report

Following completion of the 360 degree assessment, we produce a cohort report which accumulates data for multiple individuals who have been rated by themselves and others.  Applications of the ESC 360 degree survey and 360 degree feedback platform are varied: e.g. teamwork, performance management, training & development and improvement programs.  The survey and report provides a unique “helicopter view” of key employees’ views.

  • Based on one of the world’s most recognisable models of Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman’s framework of Emotional and Social Competence;

  • Simple, straightforward, colour-coded presentation;

  • At a page glance for each competency, relevant definitions and obvious indicators for identified significant gaps;

  • Easy colour coding of information to pick up on immediate areas of development at a broad and if required, detailed level;

  • Large graphs for each competency for quick representation and overview of trends;

  • Convenient, at-a-glance, colour coded overview of outcome for the entire competency range over every rater in one single page.

360 Framework: