General Manager recruitment

General Manager recruitment – think like a hunter!

General Manager recruitmentAdjustments in the General Manager recruitment talent supply and demand marketplace escalated post-GFC (’07-’08) and have been exacerbated post-Covid (’20-’21). Recruitment practices within larger organisations are generally more innovative; less-so with the typically under-resourced, small-medium enterprises which, however, account for the vast majority of the workforce. Indications suggest that pressure on demand for talent will only intensify into the foreseeable future.

The key appointment task typically for an industrial operation is the General Manager recruitment. Supply of readily available candidates has diminished due to fewer comparable competitors, compressed organisation structures/layers obviating development and progression opportunities, as well as questionable attractiveness or risk profile of some roles. Like a General Manager recruitment agency thinks, an employer needs to up the ante in terms of promoting the role opportunity, laterally thinking about sources of candidates, assessing for potential (not only experience), also onboarding and retaining the appointee.

What’s the starting point for a General Manager recruitment project by employers? Recruitment is an investment, more-so than an expense. Realistically, a recruitment budget reflects the framework and approach to attracting and hiring talent i.e. on a continuum of reactive to proactive. Practically, all stakeholders in the recruitment process need to “play their part.” An efficient and reliable selection process not only optimises the likelihood of “best fit” but it also demonstrates the level of commitment to human resources.

How do candidates think? Consider every existing or potential manufacturing General Manager recruitment candidate is either active, passive or inactive in the marketplace. Active candidates are drawn to advertisements or organisations with a high profile. Those passive and inactive candidates need to be specifically engaged. As these latter groups represent the vast majority of potential candidates, techniques to access them from profile-raising to talent mapping are encouraged.

Where are employers “getting it right?” Maintaining currency with industry associations, education providers and professional networks promote relevance and project a profile. Thought leadership, the more insightful and even provocative, the better. Application of technology e.g. virtual reality tours personalise the workplace and e.g. automated assessment conveys a more wholistic selection process. On-going L&D programs contributes, in itself, to better retention and more broadly to a progressive culture.

Reward for effort? A combination of short-term and long-term strategies work best. Most General Manager recruitment Victoria and nationally activity remains gatherer-oriented i.e. reliance on job advertisements and an immediate colleague’s referral. However, the experience of this General Manager recruiter points to more than one-half of appointments being resolved utilising a combination of search techniques which access passive and inactive candidate markets. This also applies across levels and functions. Advertising on its own is lessening in effectiveness – a hunter outlook is essential.